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School of Business

Accreditation and Memberships

Accreditation is a process in which the School of Business, or one of our specific educational programs, is reviewed and evaluated by an external accreditationbody. To be accredited or gain a membership, the School of Business is required to meet the evaluating bodies' specific criteria and continue to improve our educational content. It demonstrates that the School of Business is internationally recognized forour commitment to maintaining a high standard of education for our students.

For its high quality and international perspective, the UFV Bachelor of Business Administration program is , recognizing it as an excellent business program around the globe. 

The UFV School of Business is a member of , one of the key bu‌siness schools networks in the world.‌‌

We also pledge to provide responsible management education, research, and thought leadership through .‌


EFMD Global Logo

W‌hat is EFMD?

The EFMD acronym refers to “European Foundation for Management Development” - it is a global, membership driven non-profit organization of both business schools and corporations regrouping several hundred members around the World. It is an accreditation body confirming the quality in management education with established accreditation services for business schools and business school programs, corporate universities, and technology-enhanced learning programs. EFMD aims at shaping an international approach to management education by offering a unique forum for information, research, networking, and debate on innovation and best practices in management development.

Why is EFMD important for the UFV School of Business?

Being an EFMD member gives the School of Business the unique opportunity to be part of the leading international network in the field of management development. This membership testifies the international dimension of the School’s programmes and its desire to evolve constantly through a continuous enriching interaction with peers to discuss, share and benchmark our experience as business schools. This membership also provides the school a lot of opportunities to interact with a global network of companies, public sector organisations, and consultancies.

EFMD Accredited Logo

What is the EFMD Accredited Bachelor?

The EFMD Accredited Bachelor is an international program accreditation system testifying quality of a business and/or management degree program that has an international perspective.

The accreditation process includes an in-depth review of the program through an international comparison and a well-defined benchmarking on wide range of aspects (program outcomes, program design, quality assurance, impact on community, etc.) This particular accreditation currently includes more than 110 programs in 35 countries.

Why is EFMD Accredited Bachelor important for the UFV School of Business?

The EFMD Accredited Bachelor testifies that our teaching activities perfectly combined regionally/nationally relevant matters with internationally recognized standards. This is certainly the best credentials the School can offer to our prospective students.

What is PRME?

PRME stands for Principles for Responsible Management Education – it is a United Nations supported platform (founded in 2007) aiming at rising the sustainability profile of Business and Management Schools. PRME engages with educators in business to ensure that the UN Sustainable Development Goals are part of their everyday activities.

Why is PRME important for the UFV School of Business?

Being part of the PRME initiative shows how the School of Business plays an active role in the integration of the UN SDGs in the education of the future leaders. This PRME logo is a signal for prospective students ensuring them that they get the skills needed to become responsible leaders balancing economic and sustainable goals.


What is the AACSB?

School of Business AACSB Member Logo for Professional Designations pageThe AACSB Business Education Alliance, also known as AACSB International, is a non-profit association that connects educators, students, and businesses that share the common goal of creating the next generation of leaders. The AACSB offers educational and benchmarking resources specifically designed for business programs and faculty. The UFV School of Business membership indicates the willingness of the school to align our practices with the most prestigious business schools in the world.

Why is AACSB Membership important for the UFV School of Business?

As a member of the AACSB Business Education Alliance, the UFV School of Business is part of the world’s largest network of business schools and organizations focused on advancing business education. Through content-driven events, publications, comprehensive data tools, and industry research, this alliance connects our school with top business educators and industry leaders from nearly 100 countries.

The AACSB membership is vital to the continued success of the UFV School of Business as it offers various avenues for the School to learn and benchmark, as well as to contribute to the meaningful development of business schools in Canada and the world.