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School of Business

Enactus UFV

Make a Difference. Gain Entrepreneurial Experience. Have Fun.

Establish your entrepreneurial skills through managing a social entrepreneurship project that will positively impact the lives of members in the community.

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What is Enactus?

Enactus Group Picture Main PageEnactus is a global organization dedicated to empowering university students across the world who are passionate about addressing social, economic, and environmental issues within their communities. Each year they host regional, national, and global competitions for Enactus teams across the world to showcase their projects and discuss their impact. Enactus operates in 37 countries with over 1,730 university programs, of which Canada contributes teams from 79 academic institutions. Find out more about .‌


About Enactus UFV

Enactus UFV is a student-led organization that works in collaboration with the UFV School of Business, faculty, business leaders, and the community to form business projects that create social change and empower those they interact with. They use our entrepreneurial mindsets to create businesses that address social initiative issues in our community.

Enactus UFV continues to innovate and take initiative through our team members. They have created two sustainable projects that benefit different demographics of people across our community. The team is continuing to grow and our members have devoted numerous hours to improving the lives of people in the Fraser Valley community.

Enactus UFV's mission is to develop and implement projects that create positive economic, ecological, and social impacts in our community. Their team values include innovation, integrity, and inclusivity.

Enactus UFV Logo

Our Achievements


Recipient of the UFV Strategic Initiatives Fund

  • Awarded to the projects that support the implementation of strategic imperatives within the community.

Recipient of the Shaw Youth Entrepreneurship Project Accelerator

  • Awarded to Enactus teams that deliver projects to empower young entrepreneurs.

Recipient of the Jeanne Sauvé Global Project Accelerator

  • Awarded to Enactus teams who modify or expand existing projects to have an impact outside of Canada in partnership with an Enactus team in the target country.

Recipient of the PC Financial Resilience Project Accelerator

  • Awarded to Enactus teams who advance equity by using financial education to build resilience in underserved populations.

Recipient of the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Challenge

  • Awarded to Enactus teams who develop viable solutions to a specific economic, social and/or environmental need, such as education, sustainability, diversity, equality, inclusion and mental health.

Recipient of the Co-operators Mental Wellness Project Accelerator Grant

  • Awarded to Enactus Canada teams that have developed projects that promote mental wellness in youth.

Recipient of the Enactus Summer Challenge Award

  • Awarded to Enactus Canada teams that complete a series of tasks promoting operational planning and activities.

Continue reading our achievements

Our Projects

Currently, four social entrepreneurship projects are being implemented through Enactus UFV – the Big Brain Literacy Program (BBLP), Fraser Valley AgroConnect, the Oak & Earth candle project, and Wellness Connections.

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Our Leaders

The Enactus UFV team is made up of passionate students from across the institution and led by a team of student executives.

Team Executives

Our Team 

Learn more about how joining Enactus UFV can benefit you and how you can make a difference by joining.

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Enactus UFV Team diagram