

News, Publications & Research

    Oct 21, 2022 | Dr. Jan Gay, visiting professor of counselor education, has co-authored an article titled "A Wrap Around Approach to Suicide Prevention in Schools: It's Not Just School Counselors ..." in Teaching and Supervision in Counseling (Vol. 4: Iss 2, Article 9), the official journal of the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision.

    Oct 21, 2022 | Dr. Heidi L. Henry, assistant professor of counselor education, co-authored an article titled "Religious Identity Development and Multicultural Competence: A Correlational Study of Counseling Students" that was published in Counseling and Values, a peer-reviewed academic journal.

    Oct 21, 2022 | Dr. Daekyun Oh, assistant professor of physical education, published a research paper in the Journal of Physical Education and Sports Studies.

    Oct 11, 2022 | Beyond being a full-time student and athlete, Griffin Witte is getting all he can out of his experience at 51Թapp.

    Oct 06, 2022 | A book by Dr. Chad Luke, associate professor of counselor education, will be published in Korean.

    Oct 06, 2022 | Dr. Nate Smith, assistant professor of counselor education, was the lead author of a recent journal publication titled "Group Work with LGBTQIA Youth Using Relational Cultural Theory: A Case Example," which was published in the Oct. 4 online edition of the Journal of Specialists in Group Work.

    Oct 06, 2022 | A secondary analysis titled "False Narratives: Illicit Practices in Colombian Transnational Adoption," by Dr. Susan Branco, assistant professor of counselor education, was published in Genealogy, an international, peer-reviewed and open access journal.

    Sep 23, 2022 | Dr. Margaret Hindman, assistant professor of counselor education, presented "Setting Limits with Children Without a Power Struggle: ACT Limit Setting" at the 6th annual symposium of the Alachua County Crisis Center, Gainesville, Florida.

    Sep 23, 2022 | Dr. Jan Gay, visiting professor of counselor education, co-authored a book chapter titled “The culturally competent counselor,” with Dr. Danica Hays of the University of Las Vegas, published in "Developing Multicultural Counseling Competence: A Systems Approach," 4th edition (2023), by D.G. Hays and B.T. Erford.

    Sep 23, 2022 | Dr. Regina Moro, associate professor of counselor education, published a book chapter titled "Grieving Traumatic Experiences and Addiction: An Adolescent Perspective" in "Grief Work in Addictions Counseling," a book edited by S. Furr & K. Hunsucker and published by Routledge.