

Inside Bona's Archives

    Oct 23, 2021 | Dr. Susan Branco, assistant professor of counselor education, along with Dr. Connie T. Jones of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, published an article titled "Supporting Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Counselors: Considerations for Counselor Skills Training and Practice" in the October issue of the Journal of Mental Health Counseling

    Oct 07, 2021 | Dr. Kathryn J. Andrews, assistant professor of childhood education, and Kathryn Mendell, LMSW, community schools resource coordinator for Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES, led a focus group with regional administrators and staff of elementary schools as part of a newly formed parent support & education program.

    Oct 07, 2021 | Dr. Whitney Swann (formerly McLaughlin), assistant professor of counselor education in the School of Education, published an article in the Career Convergence magazine titled "Natural hair is good hair: The CROWN Act and ending hair discrimination in the workplace."

    Oct 07, 2021 | Dr. Chris Mackowski, professor of journalism and mass communication in the Jandoli School, appeared as a guest this month on the podcast "Untold Civil War."

    Oct 07, 2021 | Dr. Susan Branco, assistant professor of counselor education, provided a two-hour training titled "Knowing Your Why: Utilizing Your Passion in Counselor Education and Supervision" for the Minority Fellowship Program 2020 and 2021 doctoral fellows at the National Board of Certified Counselor Foundation's 2021 Bridging the Gap Symposium: Eliminating Mental Health Disparities.

    Oct 07, 2021 | Dr. Latoya Pierce, interim dean of the School of Education, presented at the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) Global Accreditation Conference, held the week of Sept. 27.

    Oct 07, 2021 | Dr. Scott M. Simpson, associate professor of chemistry, and Jonathan P. Antle, who earned his B.A. in chemistry from SBU in 2021, have published a research article titled "Increasing Confidence in Unknown Identification in Wastewater and Surface Waters."

    Oct 07, 2021 | Dr. Barry L. Gan, professor emeritus of philosophy, recently published an article titled "Gandhi and the Jews" in a collection of writings on Gandhi.

    Sep 29, 2021 | Dr. René Hauser, associate professor and director of the MSED in inclusive special education program, presented two webinars on Universal Design for Learning with the New York State Council for Exceptional Children.

    Sep 29, 2021 | While working on a cover for a new publication project, Dr. Aaron Gies, assistant professor of theology and Franciscan studies, uncovered evidence that a figure of a reading scholar that inhabits an initial graphic letter "T" in a 13th century manuscript now at the Vatican Library is likely the oldest extant representation of Alexander of Hales, the first Franciscan to hold a theology chair at Paris.

    Sep 29, 2021 | Dr. Tara Walker, assistant professor of communication, published a paper titled "Resisting Stigma and Evaluating Realism in a Direct-to-Consumer-Advertisement for Psychiatric Drugs" in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing.

    Sep 29, 2021 | Dr. Whitney McLaughlin, assistant professor of counselor education in the School of Education, presented at the 6th annual Black Mental Health Symposium, held virtually on Sept. 9 & 10.

    Sep 09, 2021 | Dr. Paula J. Scraba, O.S.F., associate professor of physical education, will present at the annual conference of the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, to be held Nov. 17-20 at Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, New York.

    Sep 09, 2021 | Darla Kent, clinical assistant professor of occupational therapy, and Suzanne Marasco, assistant professor of occupational therapy, have been accepted into the New Educator Mentoring Program (NEMP) of the American Occupational Therapy Association’s Academic Education Special Interest Section (AESIS).

    Sep 09, 2021 | Dr. Althea Kaminske, associate professor and Department of Psychology chair, along with her colleague Dr. Carolina Kuepper-Tetzel of the University of Glasgow, delivered a keynote address at the 2021 national conference of the Learning Specialists Association of Canada, held in May,

    Sep 09, 2021 | R. Erik Seastedt, retired chief officer of Human Resources, presented a session on succession planning from the department and incumbent perspectives at the national College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR) conference, held in October 2020 in Washington, D.C.

    Sep 09, 2021 | Dr. Pauline Hoffmann, associate professor of communication, recently wrote an article highlighting the story of local TikTok celebrity, content creator, speaker and LGBTQ+ activist Leo WT, for Orato World Media, a digital news platform run by SBU alumna Pamela Say.

    Sep 09, 2021 | An article by Dr. Susan Branco, assistant professor of counseling in the School of Education, was published in the Sept. 1 online edition of The Family Journal, which provides scholarship for counseling researchers, educators and practitioners.

    Sep 04, 2021 | Dr. Kathryn J. Andrews, assistant professor of childhood education, and Victoria Cleary, childhood education student, presented a paper at the annual Natural Start Alliance conference, an affiliate of the North American Association for Environmental Education.

    Sep 04, 2021 | Dr. Heidi Henry, assistant professor in the School of Education, along with Dr. Naomi Timm-Davis from South Dakota State University, presented at the Distance Teaching & Learning conference.