

Inside Bona's Archives

    Nov 03, 2023 | Dr. Scott Medler, associate professor of physician assistant studies, has published a historical paper about the eminent neuromuscular biologist Graham Hoyle in Advances in Physiology Education.

    Oct 20, 2023 | An essay by Mark Phillips, retired tutor and teacher with the St. Bonaventure Higher Education Opportunity Program, appears in the current print and online editions of Notre Dame Magazine.

    Oct 20, 2023 | Dr. Heidi Henry, assistant professor of counselor education, presented a roundtable session titled “ProfessionaliZm: Professional Considerations for Gen Z and Beyond“ and a poster session titled “The Power of Choice: Comparing Asynchronous and Synchronous Instruction in Counselor Education“ at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision conference, held in Denver, Colorado, Oct. 11-15.

    Oct 20, 2023 | Fr. Michael Calabria, associate professor and director of the Center for Arab & Islamic Studies, was an invited speaker for the South Asia Seminar sponsored by the Department of Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies at Emory University.

    Oct 20, 2023 | Dr. Chris Mackowski, professor of journalism and mass communication, gave a pair of invited presentations over the past month on Ulysses S. Grant. On Sept. 21, he and collaborator Frank Scaturro spoke about Grant-as-general to the National Museum of the U.S. Army. On Oct. 12, Mackowski and Scaturro spoke about Grant-as-president to the White House Historical Association.

    Oct 20, 2023 | Drs. Rebecca Scherer, Nathaniel Mason and Nate Smith, assistant professors of counselor education, and Dr. Ashley Luedke, associate professor and program director (from left in photos above), had a proposal accepted for presentation at the biannual Association for Counselor Education and Supervision conference held in Denver, Colorado, Oct. 11-15.

    Oct 20, 2023 | Chemistry Professor Dr. Scott Simpson presented his work titled "Using quantum chemical calculations to estimate physicochemical properties of PFAS" at the 19th Annual Workshop on Emerging HRMS & LC-MS/MS Applications in Environment Analysis & Food Safety, held Sept. 24-25 at the University at Buffalo.

    Oct 05, 2023 | Dr. Tyrone Bynoe, associate professor and director of educational leadership programs, is the lead author of an annual overview of state-school finance programs published in the September 2023 issue of the Journal of Education Human Resources.

    Oct 05, 2023 | A new biography of Francis of Assisi by Fr. Michael Cusato, scholar-in-residence at St. Bonaventure Friary, represents decades of original research and reflection by the author, one of the leading historians of the Franciscan phenomenon working in the world today.

    Oct 05, 2023 | Dr. Scott Simpson, professor of chemistry, and Matthew D. Hanson, former quantum chemical postdoctoral researcher at the university, published an article in ACS Omega titled “Geometric and Electronic Effects in the Binding Affinity of Imidazole-Based N-Heterocyclic Carbenes to Cu(100)- and Ag(100)-Based Pd and Pt Single-Atom Alloy Surfaces.”

    Oct 05, 2023 | Dr. Chad Luke, associate professor of counselor education, presented to 6,380 registrants at the Mental Health Summit hosted by the British Psychological Society and Mental Health Academy.

    Oct 05, 2023 | A short essay by Mark Phillips, retired tutor and teacher with the St. Bonaventure Higher Education Opportunity Program, has been posted on the website of the regional magazine Adirondack Life.

    Oct 05, 2023 | Most attention at the Civil War battle of Gettysburg focuses on iconic landscapes like Little Round Top, Devil’s Den, the Wheatfield, and the open fields where Pickett’s Charge took place. A new book co-authored by Dr. Chris Mackowski, professor of journalism and mass communication, looks at a lesser-known but just as pivotal sector of the battlefield.

    Sep 21, 2023 | Dr. Carl J. Case, professor of business information systems, Darwin L. King, professor of accounting, and Julie A. Case, Esq., adjunct instructor of business law, had their paper titled “The Electronic Resources Policy and Ethical Undergraduate Business Student Behavior: COVID-19 Pandemic Effects" published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Finance, and Business (held in Prague) of the International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.

    Sep 21, 2023 | Sean Conklin, assistant curator and museum educator of the Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts, was recently presented the 2023 Program of the Year award at the Tri-County Arts Council's annual Celebration of the Arts.

    Sep 21, 2023 | Dr. Audrey Hager, visiting assistant professor of psychology, is featured in the documentary "Tradition, Trauma, & Tenderness" that has been selected for submission into three different film festivals: The 2023 Buffalo International Film Festival, the Cannes World Film Festival and the Stockholm City Film Festival.

    Sep 21, 2023 | Dr. David Matz, professor emeritus of classics, spent the week of Sept. 3 at Chautauqua Institution, serving as a lecturer in the Road Scholar program. His topic: The Ancient Greek Olympic Games.

    Sep 21, 2023 | A paper co-authored by Dr. JinJing Zhu, assistant professor of management, has been accepted for publication in Environmental Science and Pollution Research, a peer-reviewed journal. A paper by Zhu and Dr. Todd Palmer, associate professor of management, has been accepted for presentation on Oct. 3 at the 43rd Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society (SMS)

    Sep 21, 2023 | Dr. Tyrone Bynoe, associate professor and director of educational leadership programs, has a book review published in Teachers College Press.

    Sep 21, 2023 | Dr. Will Elenchin, associate professor of sociology and criminology, has authored his fourth book, this one in collaboration with his son, Zac.