Upon successful completion of the Sport Studies program at 51³Ō¹Ļapp, graduates will meet the following learning outcomes:
1. Understand and be able to define sport;
2. Locate sport and the experience of the modern athlete in the context of historical, political and economic forces;
3. Understand the various ways that sport may be expressed and experienced at the local, national and international level;
4. Understand, value, and appreciate that sport contributes to personal wellness, social and emotional well-being and the spiritual health of individuals and their communities;
5. Understand that sport is a flexible and evolving social institution that can be uniquely responsive to diverse and developing persons;
6. Understand that Sport both informs, and benefits directly from, a number of legitimate areas of scholarly study;
7. Appreciate and value the unique opportunities for ethical practice that may be found, studied and experienced through play and sport;
8. Value the importance of clinical learning experiences/internships under the tutelage of qualified professional mentors.