

News, Publications & Research

    Dec 09, 2022 | Dr. Daekyun Oh, assistant professor of physical education, published a research paper in the International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education (IJKHE).

    Dec 09, 2022 | Dr. Scott Simpson, associate professor of chemistry and department chair, and Dr. Adam Brown, professor of elementary education, along with researchers from University at Buffalo, Daemen University, and Jamestown Community College, had their publication “Applying Density Functional Theory to Common Organic Mechanisms: A Computational Exercise” published in the Journal of Chemical Education.

    Dec 09, 2022 | Dr. Nate Smith, assistant professor of counselor education, presented a webinar titled "I'm here, I'm Queer, but I'm not used to it: Internalized Homophobia & Relational Cultural Theory" for the Society for Affectional, Intersex, and Gender Expansive Identities (SAIGE), a division of the American Counseling Association.

    Dec 09, 2022 | Dr. Tyrone Bynoe, associate professor of education and director of the educational leadership program, has submitted a book manuscript for publication: "The Essentials of Finance for School Leaders: A Practical Handbook for Problem-solving and Meeting Challenges;" Bynoe, T., Bounds, S. & Martinez, D.G. (Rowman & Littlefield).

    Nov 30, 2022 | Students at 51Թapp presented at the 84th annual conference of the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, held Nov. 18 at the Turning Stone Convention Center in Verona, New York.

    Nov 18, 2022 | The School of Education's Dr. Kathryn Andrews, assistant professor; Dr. Adam Brown, professor; and Dr. René Hauser, associate professor and school dean, presented at the American Evaluation Conference, Nov, 9-11.

    Nov 18, 2022 | In November, Dr. Margaret Hindman, assistant professor of counselor education, and her colleagues developed a poster titled "Developing Counselor Identity and Cultural Awareness Through Play Therapy," which was presented by colleagues at the 2022 Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES) conference in Baltimore, Maryland.

    Nov 18, 2022 | Dr. Heidi L. Henry, assistant professor of counselor education, presented two posters at the North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Regional Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

    Nov 18, 2022 | Drs. Susan Branco, Jan Gay and Nathaniel Mason, professors of counselor education, presented at the Southern Association of Counselor Education (SACES) conference in Baltimore, Maryland.

    Nov 18, 2022 | Dr. Nate Smith, assistant professor of counselor education, presented "Walking the Tightrope: Anti-LGBTQIA Youth Legislation and Counseling Implications for Practice" at the Texas Counseling Association's Professional Growth Conference in Dallas, Texas.

    Nov 18, 2022 | Dr. Tyrone Bynoe, associate professor of education and director of the educational leadership program, reports recent publications and his participation at two professional conferences during fall semester 2022.

    Nov 18, 2022 | Dr. Rebecca Scherer, assistant professor of counselor education, joined her colleague Dr. Ashley Luedke, associate professor and counselor education chair, for a presentation at the Biannual North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, a 50-minute education session titled "Counseling, Supervision, and Education in a Post COVID world."

    Nov 18, 2022 | For the third consecutive time, Dr. Ashley Luedke, associate professor and counselor education chair, was asked to co-lead the Emerging Leaders program offered as part of the Biannual North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, held Nov. 9-13 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

    Nov 03, 2022 | Two counselor education faculty members, Associate Professor Dr. Regina Moro and Assistant Professor Dr. Rebecca Scherer, recently presented at the Western Association for Counselor Education and Supervision conference in Portland, Oregon.

    Oct 21, 2022 | An interview with Dr. Susan Branco, assistant professor of counsel education, with the National Board of Certified Counselors is now available.

    Oct 21, 2022 | Dr. Susan Branco, assistant professor of counselor education, was proud to co-present at Antioch University’s National Latinx Social Justice and Mental Health Symposium, held Oct 11.

    Oct 21, 2022 | Dr. Kathryn J. Andrews, assistant professor of childhood education, Dr. Adam Brown, professor of elementary education, and Dr. Rene' Hauser, dean of the School of Education (from left in photos above) were honored to present at the 2022 Assessment Institute in Indianapolis, Indiana.

    Oct 21, 2022 | Dr. Jan Gay, visiting professor of counselor education, has co-authored an article titled "A Wrap Around Approach to Suicide Prevention in Schools: It's Not Just School Counselors ..." in Teaching and Supervision in Counseling (Vol. 4: Iss 2, Article 9), the official journal of the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision.

    Oct 21, 2022 | Dr. Heidi L. Henry, assistant professor of counselor education, co-authored an article titled "Religious Identity Development and Multicultural Competence: A Correlational Study of Counseling Students" that was published in Counseling and Values, a peer-reviewed academic journal.

    Oct 21, 2022 | Dr. Daekyun Oh, assistant professor of physical education, published a research paper in the Journal of Physical Education and Sports Studies.