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Teaching and Learning Centre


Indigenization is a process of naturalizing Indigenous knowledge systems and making them evident to transform spaces, places, and hearts. In the context of post-secondary education, this involves bringing Indigenous knowledge and approaches together with Western knowledge systems. This benefits not only Indigenous students but all students, teachers, and community members involved or impacted by Indigenization.

Embracing Elders

Elders and Knowledge Keepers: Beyond the Welcome

Embracing Elders and Knowledge Keepers: Beyond the Welcome is to support 51勛圖app faculty, staff, and students who are interested in engaging Elders and Knowledge Keepers in their classrooms and or special events related to courses that occur both on and off the four UFV campus locations. This is a “living” guide that will continue to be updated based on wisdom from Stó:l Elders.

Embracing Elders Resource Guide

UFV's Indigenization specialists

UFV’s Indigenization Specialists play an integral part of the work of Indigenization, decolonization, and reconciliation at 51勛圖app. The Indigenization Specialists work with faculty, staff, and students to respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action and UNDRIP. The Indigenization Specialists are available to work one-on-one, small and large groups to assist and support faculty and staff by building relationships while supporting Indigenization and reconciliation efforts in the world of academia from an Indigenous perspective.


Lorna Andrews, Teaching and Learning Specialist - Indigenization


Lorna assists and supports faculty and staff by building relationships while supporting indigenization and reconciliation efforts in the world of academia from an Aboriginal perspective.


Indigenous Curriculum Developer


Leanne assists and supports faculty and staff with Indigenizing curriculum and instruction methods by building relationships geared towards reconciliation and allyship with a two-eyed seeing approach.  


Indigenizing the Academy - Resources

A bibliography of resource materials compiled by Lorna Andrews.


Indigenization workshops

Halq'eméylem Language Learning and Sharing

In-person workshop

Do you want to: 

  • learn how to introduce yourself in Halq’eméylem? 
  • practice pronouncing the names of the local First Nations? 
  • learn some of the history of Halq’eméylem and our sister dialects? 

If you said yes to one or all of these, I would love to have you join one of my Halq’eméylem sharing sessions.  

The session is on June 6th, from 12:00 to 12:50 pm in G124 


Chat-R (Reconciliation)

Video chat session

Let’s chat online chat about Reconciliation, Decolonization, Indigenization, or anything associated with Reconciliation. Sessions are scheduled via ZOOM for the 1st Wednesday of the month with a topic to guide our discussion.

Educators Journey Towards Reconciliation (EJTR)

In-person workshop

During this workshop we will go through a journey to discover challenges and best practices in decolonizing the classroom and, our education practice. We will explore strategies for creating a culturally safe learning environment and indigenizing through reconciling Indigenous worldviews, ways of knowing and being while we Indigenize our teaching practice and curriculum. We will practice reciprocity, respect, responsibility, and relevance throughout our journey together.

This workshop runs as needed. Use the form below to let us know you're interested, and you'll receive an email when the workshop is scheduled.

Weaving Knowledge Systems (WKS)

In-person workshopOnline workshop

This workshop provides you with hands-on experience and resources that will bring together Indigenous and Western worldviews based on your subject area. We will explore experiential activities to weave cultural safety/humility, Indigenous Ways of knowing and being, Indigenous worldviews, into your course(s)/practice.

This workshop runs as needed. Use the form below to let us know you're interested, and you'll receive an email when the workshop is scheduled.

Workshop request form

Territorial Acknowledgment

In-person workshop

During this session, we will learn about the Halq’eméylem speaking Stó:l peoples intrinsic relationship with what they refer to as S’ólh Téméxw. We will connect with the land and learn how to create a personal and culturally appropriate territory acknowledgment.

*This workshop will be conducted outside. Dress appropriate for the weather.


  • April 17, 2024
  • May 6, 2024
  • May 13, 2024
  • May 29, 2024

Time: 12 pm – 1 pm

Place: Indigenous Teaching Garden, Abbotsford Campus

To register, please contact Lorna Andrews lorna.andrews@ufv.ca indicating which session you would like to attend.

Circle Works Session

In-person workshopOnline workshop

This workshop will provide an overview of the history, cultural protocols, and Indigenous worldviews of Circles. Learn about using Circle Works as a pedagogical tool in both the face-to-face and online classrooms. Strategies to facilitate a culturally appropriate Circle will be discussed and modelled.

Workshop request form


Indigenization videos

Discussing how to make UFV a more culturally safe enviroment for everyone

Ey swáyel
The Indigenization Committee of the FECHD worked with colleagues from the College of Arts, the FPS, and the Teaching and Learning Office to create this video and we are excited to share it with faculty, staff, and students at 51勛圖app. We were hearing a number of concerning stories from Indigenous faculty and students regarding microaggressions they were experiencing in classrooms, meetings, and in the hallways at 51勛圖app. These micoagressions are contributing to a lack of cultural safety on our campuses. We wanted to create a video to encourage conversation, share resources, and provide an entry point into considering how to make UFV a more culturally safe environment for everyone.

This video looks specifically at territorial acknowledgements and introductions with guidance from UFV Elders. It includes examples and discussions from interdisciplinary perspectives. It is not a ‘how-to guide,’ nor does it represent the official expectations of UFV. Instead, it provides some guidance around important things to consider when starting to Indigenize and decolonize our work and spaces at 51勛圖app.

As you watch the video, we encourage you to pause and consider what is being shared. How can this inform what you do in your own classrooms? How do we go about creating space for different perspectives? What microaggressions have you contributed to? How can we keep our ongoing work around Indigenization and decolonization authentic and from the heart, as opposed to a checklist of things to do?

Finally, we encourage you to share your thoughts and reflections with colleagues as we move towards making this an ongoing conversation on our campuses. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email the Chair of the Indigenization Committee at Sheryl.macmath@ufv.ca.

A reflection on the impact of residential schools

IDR Interconnected Venn Diagram


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