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School of Social Work and Human Services

Practicum steps for BSW and MSW students


Read the program placement overview

Read the program placement overview for your particular program to become familiar with the policies, processes and important considerations. 


Complete a criminal record check

Complete a criminal record check online through the Criminal Records Review Program. Each student is responsible for completing the online application and for providing the $28 payment.

The Field Education assistant will email the online link and access code to all students.

Note that this type of criminal record check is not the same as a police detachment or RCMP record check. The University does not accept the record checks completed through these agencies. With conditions, the School will accept a shared letter of a valid record check completed through the Criminal Records Review Program. Students will not be placed with an agency until the School of Social Work and Human Services has received their clearance letter from the Criminal Records Review Program.


Submit the field placement application form

Students must complete the online MSW or BSW field application form in the before their placement interview. Contact the Field Education assistant for your IPT login details.

Note that for the BSW placement, some agencies only consider fourth-year students for placement and require an additional application process. 


Submit your résumé and cover letter

Submit an up to date résumé and cover letter to the Field Education assistant at bswmswfield@ufv.ca using the required résumé and cover letter templates: 

Note that we cannot secure your placement without your cover letter and résumé.


Schedule an interview

Schedule an interview with the Field Education coordinator. The Field Education assistant will provide available interview dates and coordinate the interview schedule.

Note that for the BSW program, planning begins in the preceding summer semester for a placement in the winter semester. For MSW students, interviews will take place over the first semester of the program. 


Attend pre-placement activities

Pre-placement activities take place the semester before the placement. Attendance is required at pre-placement activities and dates will be provided.