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Mathematics and Statistics

Mathematics and Statistics

Develop your analytical and abstract thinking skills

UFV Mathematics and Statistics programs provide you with a thorough exposure to key areas of modern mathematics and statistics; opportunity to use the specialized mathematical software current in industry, business and academia; and attractive qualifications for employment or further study.

Having mathematics as part of your degree shows prospective employers that you have the ability to think analytically (i.e. you can work things out), abstractly (you can think beyond what you see in front of you) and logically. In fact, math teachers are so much in demand that almost every qualified math applicant to teacher’s ed programs is accepted. As for statistics, it is an invaluable addition to your degree because stats are used in every field, especially in business and research.

UFV Mathematics and Statistics professors are ready to help you meet your goals, whether you require just a single math course or would like an entire degree in math. We represent many special fields, but are unified in our commitment to providing support and excellent, student-oriented instruction.

We also offer opportunities for undergrad research, including work study (paid) research!