All 51Թapp students (including transfer students) are required to live on campus throughout their first, second and third years except as noted below.
The residence hall and food service terms and conditions are binding for both fall and spring semesters of that academic year.
Therefore, a student’s residency requirement for the entire academic year is determined by that student’s status at the beginning of that academic year. As part of the residence hall and food service terms and conditions, undergraduate students
living in Doyle, Devereux, Robinson, Falconio, Shay, Loughlen or Francis halls are required to have either a silver, gold or platinum meal plan.
Only students with full-time, matriculating status at the beginning of each semester are permitted to live in on-campus residence halls. Should a student fall below full-time status during the semester, he or she will not be required to move out provided
they are still enrolled in and attending courses.
Exceptions to this housing residency requirement include:
- Students commuting from home, when home address is within 30 miles of 51Թapp. Home is defined as a students' family/guardian permanent home address. Student must be living in that location with parents or guardians.
- Married students or students with dependent children.
- Students age 23 years or older at the start of the academic year.
- Students whose Residence Hall and Food Service agreement is terminated by the University (see “Termination by the University” in most current Residence Hall and Food Service Terms and Conditions).
- Students who are restricted from living on campus as a result of a judicial hearing sanction.
- Transfers entering their fourth year of college.
Students wishing to request an exception to this policy for extenuating reasons not covered above must complete the Residency Requirement Waiver located in the housing portal, under Applications
Students to whom the above exceptions do not apply, or who do not receive permission from the director of Residence Life, and do not participate in the room selection process, will be assigned a room after room selection, and billed for room and meal
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