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Continuing Education

General Business

Microsoft Teams

Cost: $99

Right now, it’s more important than ever before to stay connected to your team. Many businesses have adopted Microsoft Teams – a collaboration platform that allows for persistent group and one-on-one chat, file sharing and collaboration, and team and project management.

Having an excellent team space is key to being able to make creative decisions and communicate effectively with one another.

In this two-hour course, you’ll learn how to:

  • schedule meetings and integrate with Outlook
  • collaborate with colleagues using chats and channels
  • use Bots to create surveys for your team
  • share files and screens
  • customize Teams to suit your needs

 If you are interested in customized, virtual MS Teams training for your team, contact us at continuingeducation@ufv.ca.

Contact continuingeducation@ufv.ca for availability.

Employment Preparation

Cost: TBD

Complete a job search, prepare employment documents (cover letter, resume, and reference sheet), and participate in interview activities specific to your field and targeted to help you interview successfully and ahieve employment.

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Cost: TBD

At the core of effective leadership is the understanding of who you are. Gain a deeper level of self-awareness and a greater understanding of what motivates others based on the MBTI® (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). Through self-assessments, exercises, and skills practice, you develop a deeper understanding of yourself to reach your full potential and increase your leadership effectiveness.

Diversity: Appreciate Cultures

Cost: TBD

This diversity training course discusses the benefits of diversity in the workplace, provides guidelines to interact with different personalities and cultures, and coaches staff on how to approach diverse people with inclusion and respect.

How to Start a Small Business

Cost: TBD

Explore the various options, considerations, and legal requirements involved in starting up a small business in BC, including business structures, business types, business planning, and other essential steps. The session covers the ins and outs of start-up costs, break-even analysis, financing, market share, and marketing strategy.

Upgrade your skills & achieve your goals

Upgrading and University Preparation (UUP) programs and courses can help you upgrade your academic and workplace skills. Tuition is free for domestic students.

Learn more about UUP