English language proficiency requirements
Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the requirements. Students in ELS or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the with lower levels of language proficiency.
Please note that not all courses are offered every semester.
2 credits
Safety and WHMIS
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Plumbing and Piping certificate.
Corequisite(s): None.
Pre- or corequisite(s): None.
Introduces the proper safety procedures and regulations used in the piping trades and the proper use and handling of chemicals on work sites. Provides students with the ability to use safe work practices on the jobsite. Students will learn and use the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) and will learn to identify fire hazards and select appropriate fire extinguishers for various types of fires.
PLMB 111
4 credits
Math and Science
Prerequisite(s): PLMB 110.
Corequisite(s): None.
Pre- or corequisite(s): None.
Introduces students to the scientific theory, calculations, and problem-solving techniques in the piping trades. Emphasis on standard measurement units and conversions.
PLMB 112
6 credits
Tools and Materials
Prerequisite(s): PLMB 111.
Corequisite(s): None.
Pre- or corequisite(s): None.
Introduces the tools and common materials used in the piping trades. Students will learn to select and safely use the appropriate tools and materials through practical projects designed for work applications.
PLMB 113
3 credits
Blueprint Reading and Drawing
Prerequisite(s): PLMB 112.
Corequisite(s): None.
Pre- or corequisite(s): None.
Introduces students to the language of mechanical blueprints. Drafting standards are used to interpret drawings as well as enabling students to create their own single line drawings. Students will have an introduction to the piping symbols used on mechanical blueprint drawings and learn proper methods to draw and read plumbing symbols on drawings.
PLMB 114
9 credits
DWV, Water, and Fixtures
Prerequisite(s): PLMB 113.
Corequisite(s): None.
Pre- or corequisite(s): None.
Applies local codes to properly size, install, and test drainage, venting, and water pipes and fittings. Includes the basic design, operation, and installation of drain, waste, venting, potable, hot water, and gas systems.
PLMB 116
1 credit
Welding and Rigging
Prerequisite(s): PLMB 113.
Corequisite(s): None.
Pre- or corequisite(s): None.
Provides the basic methods of welding/cutting of metal materials and the proper use of rigging on work sites.
PLMB 117
1 credit
Hydronic System Design
Prerequisite(s): PLMB 112 or instructor's permission.
Corequisite(s): None.
Pre- or corequisite(s): None.
This course provides the training to correctly design residential hot-water heating systems in accordance with established guidelines.
Select Area of Study...
Adult Education
Applied Business Technology
Applied Ethical and Political Philosophy
Architectural Drafting
Art History
Automation and Robotics
Automotive Service
Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing
Business Administration
Child & Youth Care
Civic Governance
Co-operative Education
Community Support Work
Computer Information Systems
Computing Science
Construction Electrical Work
Continuing Studies
Criminology/Criminal Justice
Culinary Arts
Culture, Media, and Society
Dental Assisting
Dental Office Receptionist
Diaspora Studies
Early Childhood Education
Early Modern Studies
Electrical Work
English Language Studies
Environmental Studies
Fine Arts
First Nations
Floral Design
General Interest
General Studies
Geography and the Environment
Global Development Studies
Graduate Studies
Graphic and Digital Design
Health Sciences
Health Care Assistant
Human Resource Management
Human Services
Indigenous Studies
Indo-Canadian Studies
Integrated Studies
International & Development
Latin American Studies
Legal Administrative Assistant
Library & Information Technology
Literature in Translation
Management Skills for Supervisors
Mathematics & Statistics
Media & Communications
Media Arts
Media Literacy
Medical Office Assistant
Medical Office Assistant (Advanced)
Migration and Citizenship
Modern Languages
Nursing Unit Clerk
Paralegal (certificate)
Paralegal (diploma)
Peace and Conflict Studies
Plumbing & Piping
Political Science
Program Evaluation
Program Paths
Public Relations
Qualifying Studies
Records Management
Regional & Community Planning
Religious Studies
Robotics and Automation
Social, Cultural & Media Studies
Social Work/Social Services
Teacher Education
Teaching EFL
Teaching ESL
Trades & Technology
University Foundation
Upgrading & University Preparation
Visual Arts
Workplace TASK
Veterinary Administrative Assistant
Select Courses...
ABT - Applied Business Technology
ACTA - Activity Assistant
ADED - Adult Education
ADT - Architectural Drafting
AGRI - Agriculture
AH - Art History
AIS - Arts and Integrated Studies
ANTH - Anthropology
ASTR - Astronomy
AV - Aviation
BIO - Biology
BIOC - Biochemistry
BISC - Business, Industry, Sales and Communication
BSB - Bookkeeping for Small Business
BUS - Business Administration
CCP - College and Career Preparation
CHEM - Chemistry
CIS - Computer Information Systems
CIVI - Civic Studies
CMNS - Communications
COMP - Computing Science
COOP - Co-operative Education
CRIM - Criminology/Criminal Justice
CYC - Child and Youth Care
DENT - Dental Assisting
DMFG - Digital Manufacturing
DOR - Dental Office Receptionist
EAP - English for Academic Preparation
ECE - Early Childhood Education
ECON - Economics
ECP - Education and Career Planning
EDUC - Education
ELTR - Electronics
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
ENPH - Engineering Physics
ENV - Environmental Studies
ESL - English as a Second Language
EXCH - Exchange Studies
FD - Fashion Design
FILM - Film
FREN - French
GD - Graphic Design
GDS - Global Development Studies
GEOG - Geography
GERM - German
HALQ - Halq'eméylem
HCA - Health Care Assistant
HIST - History
HLTH - Health Related
HSC - Health Sciences
HSER - Human Services
IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
INCS - Indo Canadian Studies
IPK - Indigenous Peoples Knowledges
JAPN - Japanese
JRNL - Journalism
KIN - Kinesiology
LAS - Latin American Studies
LIBT - Library and Information Technology
LING - Linguistics
MACS - Media and Communication Studies
MAND - Mandarin
MATH - Mathematics
MBTL - Mindfulness-Based Teaching and Learning
MC - Migration and Citizenship
MEDA - Media Arts
MGMT - Management
MUSC - Music
NURS - Nursing
PACS - Peace and Conflict Studies
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
PLAN - Planning
PLMB - Plumbing and Piping
PNUR - Practical Nursing
POSC - Political Science
PR - Public Relations
PREV - Program Evaluation
PRLG - Paralegal
PSYC - Psychology
PUNJ - Punjabi
RM - Records Management
RSS - Reading and Study Skills
RUSS - Russian
SJGS - Social Justice and Global Stewardship
SOC - Sociology
SOCA - Scholarship of Creative Arts
SOWK - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
STAT - Statistics
STT - Short Term Training
TASK - Training in Attitudes, Skills, and Knowledge
TECH - Technology in the Workplace
TEFL - Teaching English as a Foreign Language
TESL - Teaching English as a Second Language
THEA - Theatre
UNIV - University Studies
VA - Visual Arts
WMST - Women's Studies
Select General Information...