All students desiring to return to 51³Ô¹Ïapp after formally withdrawing and being absent one full semester or more must make formal application with the Registrar’s Office. The categories under which reenrollment applications will be reviewed are:
Good Standing
A student who has withdrawn in good academic standing may be readmitted when formal application for re-enrollment is approved by the Registrar
Medical Leave
A student who has withdrawn for medical reasons must follow the steps outlined in their withdrawal letter (i.e. furnish medical certificate of good health, etc.)
Disciplinary Withdrawal
A student who has withdrawn as a result of a disciplinary issue must:
- Submit a letter to the Registrar indicating why the student believes he/she is ready to return to the University.
- Follow the steps outlined in the student’s dismissal letter.
A student who was dismissed due to academic deficiencies must remove these by satisfactorily completing work at another school – thereby raising the student’s grade point index at the University to a 2.00 – in order to be considered for re-enrollment. “C†grades or better are required for the courses. Follow the steps outlined in the scholastic withdrawal letter.
All students desiring to receive credit for the course work completed at other institutions must submit official transcripts and course descriptions.
Direct inquiries to the Records Office.