

Physical Education Program

The undergraduate Physical Education major is designed to prepare individuals to teach physical education and provides certification to coach at the middle and high school levels.

Preparing individuals to teach and coach

The program poses an integrated concentration of courses in motor development, health-related fitness and wellness, biological sciences, rhythms, individual and dual sport methods courses, elementary and secondary methods, physical education for exceptional children, adventure education, and two aquatics certifications, all with an emphasis on learning how to teach.

The Physical Education degree will put you in schools

Students begin studying physical education foundations and their application to human development and learning as early as the freshman year. This is accompanied by more than 20 contact hours of supervised clinical experience with an on-campus preschool motor development program involving preschool children with and without disabilities.

During the first two years of study, each activity course is designed to prepare pre-service teachers to learn and apply teaching applications. Ten contact hours in the schools is experienced during the sophomore year. The Physical Education program combined with the liberal arts requirements of the university provide Physical Education majors with a well-rounded undergraduate experience.


Early assurance program

Qualified high school seniors who enroll in an undergraduate teacher-preparation program have a reserved seat in one of our master's degree programs upon completion of their undergraduate studies. Learn more.

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    National Girls & Women in Sports Day

    Established by the Women's Sports Foundation in 1987 as a day in the nation's capitol to recognize women's sports, National Girls & Women in Sports Day has evolved into an annual event to acknowledge the accomplishments of female athletes, the positive influence of sports participation and the continuing struggle for equality for women in sports.

    51³Ô¹Ïapp is an active participant each year, hosting some 500 middle school and high school girls for daylong activities on campus.

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