

Student Projects

Julia stands with Dr. Uhl in front of a screen showing her title slide.
Julia Marinaro's Senior Project was on ā€œCruising Cubes: Minimizing Turns of Hamiltonian Cycles in 3D.ā€ Julia's fall 2024 presentation was attended by her parents, friends, & faculty.

Students majoring in mathematics complete a capstone project during their senior year to fulfill the Senior Comprehensive Requirement. The capstone project is either a Senior Comprehensive Project or, for honors students, an Honors Project in mathematics. The capstone project is an opportunity for the student to deeply explore a mathematical topic under the guidance of a faculty member and share their insights with others.

Senior Comprehensive Projects

For a Senior Comprehensive Project, the student works with a professor to select a topic that relates to but goes beyond the usual scope of a 300- or 400-level mathematics course, writes a paper on the topic, and gives a talk based on the paper to students, faculty, and guests. 

Students often select topics that relate to their interests beyond mathematics. For example, a student minoring in finance may choose a mathematical topic that relates to finance.

The student takes the one-credit course MATH 492 during their graduation semester.

Honors Projects

The Honors Project is a year-long endeavor in which an honors student works intensively on the definition and solution of a scholarly problem, or on the development of a creative work. The honors studentā€™s work is guided by an adviser and submitted to two readers for approval. Upon completion, it is publicly presented to interested faculty, students and guests.

An Honors Project in mathematics with a grade of C or better fulfills the Senior Comprehensive Requirement.

An honors student takes the three-credit course HON 498/499 during their senior year. Further details about a Degree with Honors are provided in the Honors Program website.

Recent capstone projects by mathematics students


  • Keon Cruz: ā€œUsing the Cauchy Residue Theorem to Solve Complicated Real Integrals.ā€
    Mentor: Dr. Christopher Hill.

    Keon's project was inspired by his interest in problem solving. He showed how the Cauchy Residue Theorem (CRT) can be used to evaluate certain real definite integrals that are challenging to compute using traditional methods. His project included a sketch of a proof of the CRT.

  • Julia Marinaro: ā€œCruising Cubes: Minimizing Turns of Hamiltonian Cycles in 3D.ā€
    Mentor: Dr. Christine Uhl.

    Julia sought the minimum number of turns that can occur for a Hamiltonian cycle in an \(m \times n \times \ell\) grid. Julia's project builds on the work in a paper appearing on arXiv. Julia gave exact answers for special cases including \(2 \times 2 \times 2\) and \(3 \times 3 \times 3\) cubes. She then described her progress in generalizing her findings to any \(m \times n \times \ell\) grid.


  • Walter Kinder: ā€œOn Lebesgueā€™s Theorem: A Mathematical and Historical Exploration.ā€
    Mentor: Dr. Christopher Hill.

    Walter proved part of Lebesgue's theorem: If a bounded function on a closed, bounded interval has a set of discontinuities of measure zero, then the function is Riemann integrable. He illustrated the result with an example of a function that is Lebesgue integrable but not Riemann integrable. Walter's project included the fascinating historical context for Lebesgue's work.

  • Nathan King: ā€œRedistricting from a Mathematical Standpoint.ā€
    Mentor: Dr. Christine Uhl.

    Nathan explored some of the promising mathematical approaches to detecting and reducing gerrymandering in setting up congressional districts. Nate first discussed partisan symmetry and the efficiency gap. He then described the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, which takes advantage of the enormous computing power at our disposal.

  • Kaylee Middaugh: ā€œMini-Sudokus and Equivalencies.ā€
    Mentor: Dr. Christine Uhl.

    Kaylee's project concerned Sudoku grids, which are solutions to Sudoku puzzles. The number of "essentially different" \(9 \times 9\) Sudoku grids has been determined ā€” it's over five billion. Kaylee's project described the work in a paper that used group theory to count the essentially different mini-Sudokus, which are analogous \(4 \times 4\) grids.

  • Theodore Murphey: ā€œBayesian Updates in Golf Matches.ā€ (Honors Project)
    Mentor: Dr. Michael Klucznik.

    Teddy combined his love of mathematics with his love of golf by exploring how Bayesian methods could be used to address the problem of "sandbagging" in the use of golf handicaps. Sandbagging refers to a player artificially inflating his handicap index in order to improve his chances of winning matches. Teddy's work allows sandbagging to be addressed within a single match, thanks to a program he wrote in Python based on Bayesian techniques.


  • Brett Chiodo: ā€œGaussā€™ Proof of Fermatā€™s Last Theorem for \(n = 3\).ā€
    Mentor: Dr. Christopher Hill.

    Brett's project related to one of the most famous problems in all of mathematics: Fermat's Last Theorem (FLT). Pierre de Fermat stated in 1637 that the equation \(x^n + y^n = z^n\) has no positive integer solutions when \(n > 2\), a claim that became known as his "last theorem." It would take over 350 years for a proof to be found for Fermat's claim. Along the way numerous special cases of FLT were proved, including the case \(n = 3\) by Euler. Brett followed the work of Carl F. Gauss by proving more generally that the equation \(x^3 + y^3 = z^3\) has no nontrivial solutions in the Eisenstein integers, which is a certain ring of complex numbers containing the ordinary integers.

  • Vincent Pasquale: ā€œApplications of Survival Analysis.ā€
    Mentor: Dr. Michael Klucznik.

    Vinnie's project focused on survival analysis, which is an area of statistics concerned with time-to-event data for the deaths of living creatures or the failures of machines. Vinnie provided a survival analysis for a COVID-19 study and a Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC) study. His analysis involved statistical methods such as Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox Proportional hazards and the programming tool R. Vinnie's discussion included insights into the risk factors associated with death for COVID-19 patients and PBC patients.


Erica Low and Dr. Hill stand in front of a screen with Erica's title slide.
Erica Low presented her Honors Project, ā€œElliptic Curve Cryptography: An Efficient Cryptosystem and Its Applications,ā€ to faculty, friends, and her parents.

  • Teddy Bishop: ā€œData Analytics in Baseball.ā€
    Mentor: Dr. Michael Klucznik.

    Teddy played catcher for the Bonnies baseball team, so it was natural that his project applied math to his favorite sport. He explained that in recent years the technique of data analytics has become ubiquitous in Major League Baseball. Teddy used the method and the program R to show how pitchers can refine their strategies against different types of batters. Each attendee of Teddy's talk was treated to a box of Cracker Jacks.

  • Erica Low: ā€œElliptic Curve Cryptography: An Efficient Cryptosystem and Its Applications.ā€ (Honors Project)
    Mentor: Dr. Chris Hill.

    Erica began by providing background on private and public key cryptography and on elliptic curves. She then described in detail the elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC) and explained how ECC is more "efficient" than the more commonly used RSA. Erica concluded her project with applications of ECC to e-commerce. She noted that Best Buy and Home Depot use ECC on their websites, but not yet SBU...

  • Ben MacConnell: ā€œSymmetries of Noncommutative Algebras.ā€
    Mentor: Dr. Christine Uhl.

    Ben's work was inspired by open questions posed in a paper by Chelsea Walton. He found the symmetries of a three-dimensional q-polynomial algebra and investigated the symmetries of the split-quaternion algebra. Ben described the connections of this material to quantum mechanics, nicely tying together his dual majors in math and physics.

  • Gillian MacNeil : ā€œOrthogonality in Sudoku Latin Squares.ā€
    Mentor: Dr. Maureen Cox

    Gillian observed that Sudoku gridsā€”solutions to the wildly popular Sudoku puzzlesā€”are special cases of Latin squares. She then applied group theory to count pairs of mutually orthogonal Sudoku grids.