

Math Club

Students participate in the SBU Math Club

The St. Bonaventure Math Club is all about experiencing the power and beauty of mathematics through fun, hands-on activities. We work on puzzles and math challenges, build special projects, play games, and 3D print amazing structures.

Previous activities have included

  • cutting Möbius surfaces into bagels (see the left- and right-hand images above),
  • making origami elevated icosahedra (see the middle image above),
  • building "tetroblerones" (mathematical "sculptures" made from 12 Toblerone packages),
  • verifying and generalizing the Wine Bottle Theorem (a remarkable fact about circles that was discovered by stacking wine bottles),
  • 3D printing a three-dimensional optical illusion, and
  • working on a fractal jigsaw puzzle (which we have not yet completed—it has just 11 pieces, but it's quite challenging!).

Club meetings are typically held in the Mathematics Suite (De La Roche 301). Please contact the club’s faculty advisers to be included on our email list:

Dr. Chris Hill
De La Roche 301 C
(716) 375-51³Ô¹Ïapp
Send an email

Dr. Christine Uhl
De La Roche 301 E
(716) 375-2474
Send an email