

Panzarella Writing Awards

The Panzarella Undergraduate Writing Awards

The Patrick Panzarella Writing Awards are an annual celebration of excellence in student writing organized by the Department of English and generously supported by the Patrick Panzarella Endowment. The awards are open to all students.

The award categories and criteria are as follows:

  • Short Critical Writing: An essay or research paper written for an ENG course. Submitted papers must be 500–1750 words. Students may submit multiple papers; total submitted work may not exceed 1750 words.
  • Long Critical Writing: An essay or research paper written for an ENG course. Submitted papers must be 1751–4200 words. Students may submit multiple papers; total submitted work may not exceed 4200 words.
  • Fiction/Creative Non-Fiction: One or more pieces of prose written for an ENG course. Total submitted work may not exceed 3000 words.
  • Poetry: Three or more poems written for an ENG course. Total submitted work may not exceed 2000 words.
  • Digital Writing: Work produced for an ENG course using digital platforms and technologies other than word processing software: websites, slideshows, videos, podcasts, other digital platforms such as Twine, etc. Blog posts that mainly work as critical writing count toward the Short Critical Writing category.

All submissions should be saved as PDF documents with your last name and the name of the award category in the name of the file. For Digital Writing, you may submit another type of file or a web link. You may submit work for more than one category. Your submission email should note the class information (class, instructor, assignment) for which the work was originally submitted.

Entries are due by early April each year. Send all entries and questions to Dr. Matt King (Send an email). Winners will be announced in early May.

2023–2024 Panzarella Writing Awards in English

Congratulations to these outstanding writers!

  • Short Critical Writing
    • 1st Prize: Sofia Schwarzmueller
    • 2nd Prize: Serena Fan
    • 3rd Prize: Noah Randall
  • Long Critical Writing
    • 1st Prize: Thomas Pursel
    • 2nd Prize: Cameron Demos
    • 3rd Prize: Emma Gavazzi
  • Fiction/Creative Nonfiction
    • 1st Prize: Thomas Pursel
    • 2nd Prize: Alicia Maxwell
    • 3rd Prize: Rily Rzepka
    • 1st Prize: Alicia Maxwell
    • 2nd Prize: Meghan Baehl
    • 3rd Prize: Thomas Pursel
  • Digital Writing
    • 1st Prize: Mary McNaughton
    • 2nd Prize: Robert Mannion