

Resources for Instructors

Whether or not you think of yourself as an instructor of writing, giving your students opportunities to write and helping them with their writing skills can be invaluable as they work toward completing their degrees and transitioning into their professional lives. The links below direct you to resources for writing instruction.

  • In this site
    • Digital Writing Assignments.  There are many ways to incorporate digital technologies and digital writing into your classes. The resources outlined on this page, below, include possibilities for both in-class and outside activities and for both shorter and more extended assignments.
    • Resources for Students.  You can direct your students to these resources on our site, and you might also find several of them helpful yourself.
  • Off-campus
    • .  This site offers an inventory of publications in writing studies, including post-secondary composition, rhetoric, technical writing, ESL, and discourse analysis.
    • .  CCCC (referred to as 4Cs) is the largest professional organization for researching and teaching composition.
    • .  The site for this national association of professional writing instructors outlines  for college writing instructors and offers other  on writing pedagogy.

Digital writing assignments

Digital technologies have had a substantial impact on teaching practices, generating a shift in the texts studied in classrooms, in the methodologies for studying these texts, and in the texts produced by students. Moreover, scholars have taken the theoretical implications of these technologies as a point from which to question the very nature of textuality itself and the reading and writing practices associated with it. As teachers, we are challenged with adapting our own practices to account for these shifts.

This collection of resources aims to help you navigate a range of possibilities for incorporating digital technologies into your courses. The activities and assignments offered here vary in the technologies they draw upon, the learning objectives they address, and the class time they require. These materials draw on current work in digital rhetoric and writing studies, but we expect that they will be useful in a variety of courses.

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