

Franciscan Institute Leadership Team

Fr. David B. Couturier, OFM. Cap., Ph.D., DMin., Lic. Psych.

Associate Professor of Theology and Franciscan Studies
General Editor (interim), Franciscan Studies
Co-editor, Franciscan Connections, international blog on Franciscan theology, history and spirituality
Heidi Strauss
Heidi Strauss, M.A.

Business Operations Manager, The Franciscan Institute
Timothy Johnson
Dr. Timothy J. Johnson, STD

Craig and Audrey Thorn Distinguished Professor of Religion at Flagler College, St. Augustine, Fla.
Chair of the Franciscan Institute’s Research Advisory Council
Luke Togni
Dr. Luke Togni, Ph.D.

Research Fellow, Franciscan Institute
Aaron Gies
Dr. Aaron Gies, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Theology and Franciscan Studies
Associate Editor, Franciscan Studies
Andrew Belfield
Dr. Andrew Belfield, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Theology and Franciscan Studies
Book Review Editor, Franciscan Studies
Alyssa Kirk
Alyssa Kirk, B.A.

Production Staff, copy-editing
Krijn Pansters
Dr. Krijn Pansters, Ph.D., STD

Professor of Christian Spirituality at Tilburg University, School of Catholic Theology, in the Netherlands
Ph.D. (2007) in Medieval History from Radboud University Nijmegen; Ph.D. and S.T.D. (2019) in Medieval Theology from KU Leuven.
Co-editor, Franciscan Connections, international blog on Franciscan theology, history and spirituality

Research Advisory Council members

  • Dr. Aaron Gies
    (see above)
  • Dr. Lezlie Knox
    Associate Professor and Department of History Chair, Klingler College of Arts & Sciences, Marquette University
  • Dr. Darleen Pryds
    Associate Professor of Christian Spirituality and History, Franciscan School of Theology, University of San Diego
  • Fr. Steven McMichael, O.F.M. Conv., STD
    Associate Professor of Theology, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota
  • Dr. Krijn Pansters
    (see above)
  • Dr. Katherine Wrisley Shelby